Monday, October 03, 2011


Skeuomorph skyoo'e-morf, n (Greek skeuos vessel, tool, and morphe, shape)

A retained but no longer functional stylistic feature. This term was originally used in architecture and archaeology to refer to a feature whose origin was functional, but whose only vestige was as a decorative ornament. What a terrific word! One that I think befits my post on Pocket Squares! While on the streets of Dublin I spotted very few stylish gentlemen sporting pocket squares in their jacket breast pocket.

In the early 1900′s, a dapper gentleman would never leave the house without a pocket square tucked neatly into his suit’s breast pocket. Yet by the latter half of that century, the pocket square began to disappear.

Although the pocket square no longer holds any functional connotations, I love to see a brightly coloured hanky in a man's breast pocket! I think it adds an element of fun and personality to a man's suit.

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